
Kamis, 13 Juli 2017

The example of recount text and the part of speech analysis

The example of recount text and the part of speech analysis

Name : Cindy Camellia Juliana Sinaga
Npm   :   15120194

My experience in my university
Actually I didn’t want to register at this university because I thought that foreign university is bad. But my father told me that I must choose it or not go to other university. I’m so sad to make my decision but my sister told me if you’re a smart girl, you’ll become a smart girl wherever you’re. I was thinking it all night and make my own decision to choose HKBP NOMMENSEN UNIVERSITY. Cause of my mind… I am so lazy to come to the campus but one thing that made me became struggle was my parents’ love.
At the first time, all of new student was gathered In auditorium which must wear white t-shirt and black trousers and didn’t forget to wear a butterfly tie. At the moment I didn’t feel anything special. As usually I haven’t a good confidence when one of my senior ask me to give my opinion about one topic that we were discussing at the time. After the MOS were finished, all of student was divided into some group based on their NPM. I’m in group E because I’m so lazy to re-register when I passed the examination.
And at the day after the MOS, we must go to the campus and studied according our schedule. As usually when I was at campus for the first time to study… I haven’t a friend maybe because I’m a calm girl. And I didn’t want to start a conversation with my new friend. At the first time my friends are dwiyanti rosalia, artikah utari, hayati siregar, and Debora siahaan…. But not too close.
And after 1 month at this university I have a new friend. She was very honest and straightforward. She is kind and give me her attention. But I often make her felt disappointed,,, I was so sorry for that moment L I called this girl, LARIS. Because she always helped me when I was in trouble. And she is very good in commerce.
And not long after that our campus was held a party to celebrate the accreditation of our English department which from “C” become “B”. And I want to participate at the celebration but at the time I don’t have money because I didn’t want to ask it to my father. But at last, my friend in the same boarding house can’t attend it because she was sick therefore she has paid the ticket of the celebration. So I re-change her position at the celebration, and at the time I remembered that RIRIN, GRES, BUNGA help me to re-change my friend identity to be mine. And I’m so happy gathered with them because them very kind and honest to me. And I’m so excited to attend the celebration.
After it finished,,, we are back to campus and studied as usual. And from that time i often gathered with RIRIN, BUNGA, and GRES… we went to Basorma swimming pool and at the time my phone was fallen to water and wasn’t useful for three days.
The next trip is to Wisata Iman garden and we stayed at sister Gres’ house ,,, for three days, two night find new family there…. They were so kind to me and I can’t forget that moment. So many things that we have passed together. And I didn’t know how we can gather to be five icons. That make me feel so grateful to have them become my best friends. Sister Bubu, sister Gege, Riri , Lala and at last me, Po JJJJJ.
                                                                                                Quantity: 592 words

Function word
a =9 times
And = 26 times
 One =4 times
At= 15 times
The = 22 times
But = 7 times
Two= 1 time
In = 6 times

 After = 5 times
Three =2 times
From =  2 times

For= 4 times
Five = 1 time
To = 26 times

As = 3 times
First = 3 times
With = 3 times

If = 1 time

Because = 8 times

Content word
University = 6 times
Foreign = once
Want = 4 times
Actually = once
Girl = 4 times
Sad = once
Thought = once
Night = twice
Campus = 5 times
Smart = twice
Told = twice
At the first time = twice
Mind = 1 time
Struggle = once
Choose = twice
At the moment = once
Student = 2 times
White =once
Make = make
at campus = once
Auditorium = 1 time
Black = once
Thinking = once
for three days = twice
t-shirt = 1 time
Good = twice
Come = 4 times

Trouser = 1 time
Lazy = twice
Made = once

Tie = 1 time
Special = once
Gathered = 3 times

Examination = 1 time
Calm = once
Wear = twice

Friend = 6 times
New = 4 times
Forget = twice

Conversation = 1 time
Honest= twice
Feel = twice

Moment = 3 times
Straightforward = once
Give = twice

Attention = 4 times
Kind =  3 times
Finished = twice

Confidence = 1 time
Disappointed = once
Divided = once

Commerce= ONCE
Close = once
Passed = Passed

Party = 1 times
Sorry = once
Go = twice

Accreditation = 1 time
Long = once
Studied = twice

Department = once
Sick = once
Have = 4 times

Celebration= 4 times
Happy = once
Helped = helped

Money = once
Excited = once
Celebrate = once

Ticket = once
Useful = once
Attend = twice

Garden = once
Grateful = once
Stayed = once

Pool = once
Best = once
Know = once

Icons = once

Phone = once

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