
Kamis, 13 Juli 2017

Bad Mental revolution in indonesia which show us that our country is not independent yet

Bad Mental revolution in indonesia which show us that our country is not independent yet

Good day all……….
            First of all we say thank to our god, because of his blessing for us, we can gather here with healthy body and good condition, secondly I say thanks to our lecturer, Mrs.Elvita M.Pd who give me a chance to delivery my speech about the bad mental revolution in Indonesia which show us that our country not independent yet. And also for all of my beloved in this class.
            Our country, Indonesia has been become an independent country at 17 august 1945. The freedom has decelerated by our first president, Mr.Soekarno. at the time our red-white flag is fluttering with a majestic until this time. Have we feel the freedom in our life?
Maybe we have the different answer about of this question. We can answered in our heart. “FREEDOM” it is the word that have seven letters inside it. Everyone has their own meaning about this word and different ways to apply it. According to our constitutes ,our country is the independent. But how about our mental of Indonesians? Have we act like the independent habit?
No …I think not…why?
So many things become the causes of this . we can see it in surrounding us or also inside ourselves.
And we must know that all big things that happened in our life is started by the trivial things. Whereas it is good or bad.
So, to make the statement become clearly I’ll explain it a little bit.

            Corruption is one word that seems so despicable in the eyes of Indonesian society but it is still done by certain circles. Whether consciously or unconsciously, we often berate and throw scathing criticism to those who are proven to commit acts of corruption. But ever think about it if there are actually little things around us that can be called as corruption as well? Here it is, the trivial things we should avoid from now on.

            Hayo we must admitted in our heart, who often be late? Not just be late go to the campus for college but also be late the other like a promise with friends for example. Be careful yes, this is kind of corruption you know. Try to be on time and make it timely as a habit that should not be abandoned.
We must also stop our habitual to cheat in examination. Realize or not. With this ways it is same that we just search the bad instant ways to do everything. We must realize that to get everything in this world need efforts and hardworking habit.
The corruption also become always happened in our life cause of the lack of the justify which make the first priority to the majorities like the people who have the riches and wealth.
I ever read a statement like this. How can we change a world if our country still in the bad condition. How can we change our country if our village in the bad condition too. And how we can change  our village if our habit also  is in the worst condition.
So we must do the small good thing to created the best thing.
That all of my speech for today about the bad mental revolution in our country. Thanks  for attention.

Bad Mental revolution in indonesia which show us that our country is not independent yet

Good day all……….
            First of all we say thank to our god, because of his blessing for us, we can gather here with healthy body and good condition, secondly I say thanks to our lecturer, Mrs.Elvita M.Pd who give me a chance to delivery my speech about the bad mental revolution in Indonesia which show us that our country not independent yet. And also for all of my beloved in this class.

Our country, Indonesia has been become an independent country at 17 august 1945. The freedom has decelerated by our first president, Mr.Soekarno. at the time our red-white flag is fluttering with a majestic until this time. Have we feel the freedom in our life?
Maybe we have the different answer about of this question. We can answered in our heart. “FREEDOM” it is the word that have seven letters inside it. Everyone has their own meaning about this word and different ways to apply it. According to our constitutes ,our country is the independent. But how about our mental of Indonesians? Have we act like the independent habit?
No …I think not…why?
So many things become the causes of this . we can see it in surrounding us or also inside ourselves.
And we must know that all big things that happened in our life is started by the trivial things. Whereas it is good or bad.
So, to make the statement become clearly I’ll explain it a little bit.
Corruption is one word that seems so despicable in the eyes of Indonesian society but it is still done by certain circles. Whether consciously or unconsciously, we often berate and throw scathing criticism to those who are proven to commit acts of corruption. But ever think about it if there are actually little things around us that can be called as corruption as well? Here it is, the trivial things we should avoid from now on.

1.     not on time

                    Time is precious to everyone because time keeps going forward instead of going backwards or backwards. Arrange the time you have in your life. Coming late is one of the most common forms of time corruption that you often make when you come to school or come to college. By corrupting the time means the same as you can not appreciate the time that already exists and is available to you.
             Try to always appreciate your time by always coming to school or to campus in a timely manner. What will you feel if you always arrive late? When you arrive late you will be scolded by your teacher or lecturer and surely you can miss the lesson. Too late arrivals can result in sanctions or penalties from the teacher / other school / lecturer.


                    Cheating is a culture or custom that has been applied since the school days until the time of college. Cheating is done in various ways, ranging from creative ways to mediocre ways. This habit is an act of corruption of ideas. Corruption of ideas means to imitate and take the works of others. Meanwhile, cheating is not only done at the time of the exam just loh. An example is copying a reply of a task or a friend's PR when the lesson has not started or during break times. 
            Copying the assignment or friend's friend's reply usually applies to the times of school time. What are your goals for cheating? Cheating is one of the most stumbling ways when you already do not know what to answer on your exam paper. Better to get bad value but not cheat than dapet good value but result from cheat. More to choose which tuh?


Bro, TA-in me yes. "

"Coy, I'm sorry to miss this day. Wake up my late easiness. "

"Gan, ask TA yes please. I have another meeting. "

"Tong, I'm TA dong. I am lazy with the lecturer. Make me sleepy. "
For a college kid like us, who the hell never heard the above sentences? If not, maybe I make sure you are not in college or you have no friends during college. Or maybe you almost never go to college?
Sign signature, or better known as TA (read: te-a), is one of the many phenomena of the university world. The absentee is a situation where one or more students are not actually present in a class in a course and he asks for the help of his classmates who (if) present in the course to sign the attendance list of the absentee. Hmm, it seems that the definition of this absent title is too long. If the short version: he did not enter, but in the absence of his signature. So, TA is, "Nothing but there".
Either since when phenomenon Sign signature it exists, because there is no encyclopedia, history books, or other literature no one to mention about Sign signature. What is clear, the phenomenon of absent to be the pros and cons of the academics in the campus environment.
There are several reasons why a student 's leave absent' to his friend. Based on my student observations and experiences, here's why:

4.     Just pass the name in the group work

Group work is not just one person or just a few people working on it. Already the name of the automatic group that works should all members of his group should not be there who do not do it. Fellow group members should be able to maintain cohesiveness and cooperation. In a group work there is a type of people whose hobbies just pass the name of a doang. Loss know if you just pass the name doang.
The disadvantage you will feel if you just pass the name doang when you are asked by the teacher or lecturer you will not be able to answer, when presented you feel confused to explain it, dll.Pumpang naman doang pas work group is an act of job corruption.


Indonesia is the 90th country  in level of corruption in the world. Corruption became an old culture that always continue in new generation. The corruption also become always happened in our life cause of the lack of the justify which make the first priority to the majorities like the people who have the riches and wealth.
But ever you know not just steal a large of money is called corruption. In small portion is also called corruption. For example : when we want to pay the college fee….. we ask our parent to pay more than of the standard nominal.
Second, we ask our parent to sent money for us to by some book…. But in fact, we buy the other thing that not became the first priority.
So the fifth examples above prove we aren’t independent yet…. Especially In  mental side. There are problems.. so we need a solutions. What are the solutions?? Cause it is about mental so we discuss who are we? Who am I ? what can I do for myself and other?
Some solution
1.      Building Strong Law Supremacy
2.      Creating Real Conductivity in All Areas
3.      Creating Anti-Corruption Education
4.      Building Early Moral Education is Possible
5.      Training of Intensive Religious Education
I ever read a statement like this. How can we change a world if our country still in the bad condition. How can we change our country if our village in the bad condition too. And how we can change  our village if our habit also  is in the worst condition.
So we must do the small good thing to created the best thing that useful for our country.

That all of my speech for today about the bad mental revolution in our country. Thanks  for attention.

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