
Kamis, 13 Juli 2017

Creating A Commentary Text Research

Creating A Commentary Text Research
Dameria Pintubatu                              (15120178)
Juniarta Tampubolon                           (15120182)
Cindy Camelia Juliana Sinaga            (15120194)
Natan                                                  (15120198)
HKBP Nommensen University

Authors’ Note
Cindy, Dameria, Juniarta, and Natan, Faculty of Teaching Training and Education, HKBP Nommensen University.
They are now taking the English Degree to be English Teacher and currently in their 4th semester.
The following article should be addressed to Mr. Herman, the lecturer in HKBP Nommensen University, as well as the corresponding supervisor in the making of this mini-research paper.
There are many kinds of text. One of them is known as commentary text. There’s, however, one common problem in creating commentary text. Some people get it mixed up especially with discussion type of text. Here in this paper, the writers provide a simple information about commentary text and the sole purpose of the text. With this paper, readers are highly expected to be able to tell the difference between commentary text and discussion text and create a simple commentary text.
            Keywords: commentary, text, feature, purpose.
Creating A Commentary Text Research
            This research is conducted to give more insight about commentary text. Little do know how to create a commentary text, how to differ commentary text to discussion text (in this case, students or low-educated readers). This text, however, can be really useful in explaining the changing process of sociocultural matter as a natural phenomenon.
The authors were given the task to analyze about commentary text as the final assignment. The authors realize the importance of this text. The commentary type of text exists almost everywhere yet readers may not realize or may not be able to identify which one it is. Some may not be able to tell the difference from the discussion type of text.
            The objective of this mini-research is to inform and/or to give more insight about commentary text. This paper provides a simple information so the readers can clarify which text is commentary type of text and which is not. Readers are highly expected to be able to form and/or to create a simple commentary text on their own as well.
            The scope of this research is only as far as to discuss about the commentary text. Although the authors provide a little information about discussion type of text, the authors, however, will not discuss too deeply about discussion text. further researches are not within the reach or the capability of this paper.
The significance of this commentary text topic is the information consisting the definition of commentary text, the feature of the text, the generic structure of the text, the purpose of the text, and how occasionally the text can be found in general passage. These information will serve as a modal for the readers to create their own commentary text.
Theoretical review
Commentary text is NOT a summary of an issue. Commentary text consists of 90% writer’s or author’s idea or opinion.[1] The generic structure of this text is actually simple. Firstly, the general statement to position the readers and secondly, the sequenced explanation.[2] The sequenced explanation contains the author’s idea in order to convince the readers about the topic in the commentary text. the sequenced explanation can be in numerous of step depending on how the author explains regarding the topic. Just as the text named, commentary text is about the writer or the author comment (idea or opinion) about something. Commentary text mainly comments about the changing process of sociocultural matter as a natural phenomenon. An example will be provided in the discussion. The language features of commentary text are passive voice, simple present tense, present perfect tense, simple past tense, adjectives.[3] The purpose of commentary text is to inform, to convince and/or to persuade the readers about a matter. As a matter of fact, people always comment about a matter. Their comments consist of 90% their idea and 10% based on facts probably in their surroundings. This means commentary text can be found almost everywhere including posts within blog, social media, etc. The difference between commentary text and discussion text is pretty obvious. Commentary text is a small part in discussion text which is made into a topic or passage. Discussion text is a text which deals to a certain issue. The issue is about a problematic discourse which arouses pros and contras’ opinion.[4] Their opinions serve as comments which are made into a more topical matter. Therefore, the commentary text exists.
Data Analysis/Findings/Discussion
The authors had conducted a survey about why the problem arises. The authors made an analysis of Junior High National Examination from academic year 2012 – 2016. Here is the following analysis.
Junior High National Examination Academic Year 2012
1.      Reading comprehension test. Based on Junior High National Examination 2012, there are many questions appear for reading comprehension such as Explanatory text, recount text, descriptive text, anecdote text, spoof text, letter, caution, announcement, notification. (find the main idea, the meaning of the underlined words, similarity or the closest meaning of some words, the title, the purpose of the text).
2.      Indirect – writing comprehension test. Based on Junior High National Examination 2012, there are some questions appear about indirect – writing comprehension such as cloze test, word and sentence arrangement.
Junior High National Examination Academic Year 2013
1.      Reading comprehension test. Based on Junior High National Examination 2013, there are many questions for reading comprehension such as caution, invitation, announcement, advertisement, train schedule, letter, procedural text, descriptive text, explanatory text, narrative text, anecdote text. (find the main idea, the meaning of some words, the reason, similarity, the fact in the text, the conclusion, the topic of the text, the moral value).
2.      Indirect – writing comprehension test. Based on Junior High National Examination 2012, there are some questions appear about indirect – writing comprehension such as cloze test, word and sentence arrangement.
Junior High National Examination Academic Year 2014
1.      Reading comprehension test. Based on Junior High National Examination 2014, there are many questions for reading comprehension such as letter, invitation, message, announcement, notification, narrative text, procedural text, descriptive text. (find the main idea, the closest meaning of some words, the purpose of the text).
2.      Indirect – writing comprehension test. Based on Junior High National Examination 2012, there are some questions appear about indirect – writing comprehension such as cloze test, word and sentence arrangement.
Junior High National Examination Academic Year 2015
1.      Reading comprehension test. Based on Junior High National Examination 2015, there are 40 questions for reading comprehension such as notification, letter, message, announcement, invitation, flight schedule, procedural text, descriptive text, recount text, narrative text. (find the main idea, similarity or the closest meaning of some words, conclusion, the topic of the text, the meaning of the underlined words).
2.      Indirect – writing comprehension test. Based on Junior High National Examination 2012, there are some questions appear about indirect – writing comprehension such as cloze test, word and sentence arrangement.
Junior High National Examination Academic Year 2016
1.      Reading comprehension test. Based on Junior High National Examination 2016, there are many questions for reading comprehension such as announcement, message via e-mail, advertisement, invitation, recount text, descriptive text, procedural text, narrative text. (find the main idea, similarity or the closest meaning of some words, the conclusion, the topic of the text, the meaning of the underlined words, moral value).
2.      Indirect – writing comprehension test. Based on Junior High National Examination 2012, there are some questions appear about indirect – writing comprehension such as cloze test, word and sentence arrangement.
From the analysis, there is no single commentary type of text provided. The authors conclude that the commentary text itself is 90% writer’s or author’s idea or opinion which is not suitable to be put into the examination. Therefore, some schools don’t discuss too much about this text because of the simplicity which may cause a problem that this paper introduced in the introduction. The following text is the example of commentary text.
As police expand their investigation into cheating in the state run college entrance exam by using mobile phones, people deplore the low morality among the growing generation and many also condemn the absurdity of the current education system that drove student to do such a thing. Strong blame should also be laid on local authorities who failed to prevent such a misdeed, long anticipated in the overdeveloping information technology environment of this country.
About 100 students in Kwangju have been "confirmed" as having been involved in the cheating, some transmitting the answer, some receiving them, others coordinating the illicit communications outside testing places.
It is unfortunate that dishonest means were used by students who wanted to get a higher score in the state test and enter a college that is beyond their academic ability.
But what dismay us are that such scandals as this and other scandals will continue to take place around us until and unless the nation is freed from its obsession with college diplomas.
British Course, 2013.[5]

From the example, the first paragraph serves as the general statement to position the readers. The second through the last paragraph serve as the sequenced explanation. (Further explanation of its Systemic Functional Grammar will be discussed in the presentation)
Conclusion and Suggestion
The authors conclude that commentary text is important. Readers have to know kinds of text and the content of the text. Never take it for granted because through text one can inform, convince, even persuade the readers about something.
The authors suggest that schools have to provide a lesson about types of text without any exception. It is important for the readers to know what they read. After all, reading can give the readers more insight about the information around the world. Through reading, one can be an author to write a topic or a passage based on the information received. Commentary text is one of the very basic texts to start writing.
British Course. (2013, April 11). Commentary Text. Accessed from the internet July 4, 2017 from
English Admin. (n.d). What is Discussion Text? Definition and Sample. Accessed from the internet July 4, 2017 from

[1] British Course. (2013, April 11). Commentary Text. Accessed from the internet July 4, 2017 from
[2] Ibid.
[3] Ibid.
[4] English Admin. (n.d). What is Discussion Text? Definition and Sample. Accessed from the internet July 4, 2017 from
[5] British Course. (2013, April 11). Commentary Text. Accessed from the internet July 4, 2017 from

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