
Kamis, 13 Juli 2017

The example of conversation in accessories shop

The example of conversation in accessories shop

seller : cindy
Tourist :larisma

Tourist buying souvenir in tomok

Tourist    : hi, mom
Seller      : hi madam, come in,, we provide many souvenirs here

Tourist    : what’s souvenir that everyone usual buy here?

Seller      : that depends on the person madam, many people buy this spoon and fork. These things are made by mahogany wood.

Tourist    : wow.. that’s very unique.
             How much for one set?

Seller     : the price for one set just Rp.100.000

Tourist   : it’s too expensive …. Can you discount it?

Seller      : the last price is Rp. 80.000 if you want…you can take it

Tourist    :ehmm, how much if I buy two set?

Seller      : ok sir if you buy two set. I’ll give you more discount.                      The price becomes Rp.150.000

Tourist    : I’ll take two set. wrap it please

Seller      : these are your souvenirs madam.

Tourist     : ok. Here your money.

Seller       :thanks you madam,, if you need another souvenir you can come again madam

Tourist    : your wlcome, that’s sure..bye

Seller      : see you sir …bye.


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