
Jumat, 14 Juli 2017

8 Benefits of Betel Leaf Stew when Taken

8 Benefits of Betel Leaf Stew when Taken

Who does not know the type of leaf that is very beneficial for this health? Usually betel leaf is identical with the grandparents and grandparents, where they do nyirih activities, aka chew betel leaf is for some time that he said is useful for health, especially the overall health of the body. Sebanarnya it is not only the elders who like to consume betel by chewing just like that, a lot of easy people and adults who are accustomed to chew betelih alias sirih leaves.

 Decoction of betel leaves Betel betel itself does have many benefits, especially for health. How to consume any variety, there are directly diknyah, there is also a consume the results of boiled water.

Well, this article will discuss what are the benefits that can be obtained through the consumption of betel leaves, especially those consumed only boiled water.

Here are some benefits of betel leaf stew that many felt by the community:

1. Cure asthma

You have offspring and often experience asthma symptoms? Asthma is a very troublesome kind of disease, although it is not a chronic type of disease, such as diabetes and heart disease. Asthma itself will cause effects and symptoms that are very disturbing activities, such as:

Out of breath
Difficult to carry out heavy activities for long periods of time
Breaths are short and beaten
Well, for those of you who often experience and feel the symptoms of asthma, you can take advantage of betel leaf, especially stew of betel leaf to mengaatasi symptoms - symptoms that arise because of asthma.

How to treat betel leaf to treat asthma symptoms?

Here are the steps you can take to treat asthma symptoms:

Take 4 - 5 pieces of betel leaf
Boil betel leaf by using 2 cups water to boiling and remaining 1 cup water only
Drink the results of the stew regularly, about 2-3 times a day, either when asthma symptoms appear, or not.
Good Also For Asthma
2. Heal sore throat

Sore throat is almost similar to asthma. Although not a chronic disease, but sore throat has symptoms that are very disturbing and very annoying. Well, you can make a decoction of betel leaves, in exactly the same way as asthma treatment, but drink the boiled water only when you feel a sore throat only. Cooking water from betel leaf can relieve your throat and relieve sore throat symptoms, such as:

A hoarse voice
Pain during swallowing
Difficult to speak
3. Treating pain and irritation of the eyes

The next decoction of siri leaves is to treat eye irritation and reduce pain. Eyes are one of the most common and most susceptible organs of infection and inflammation. This is because the eyes are often open and many allergens and pollutants that can cause irritation to the eyes, which makes the eyes become:

Coloured red
Feels sore and sore
When eye irritation occurs, and ordinary eye drops can not be relied upon to cure it, then you can try using a betel leaf stew to relieve eye irritation symptoms.

How to?

Here are the steps in treating betel leaves to treat irritation and pain in the eyes:

Take 1 to 2 pieces of betel leaf
Boil betel leaves to boil with ½ - 1 cup water
Wait until the water is cold and not hot
Squeeze the leaves of siri leaves to the eyes, or you can also use betel cooking water to compress your eyes.
Good To Also To Treat Eye Irritation
4. Menstruating

For those of you women who often experience problems when menstruation or menstruation, and you do not like the herbs that katana can launch menstruation, you can try to consume stew from betel leaf. This is proven, because the drug products on the market also contain ekark betel.

Here are the steps - steps to boil betel leaf:

Take 3 - 5 pieces of betel leaf
Boil betel leaves to boil
Wait and let stand until it is not too hot, then drink during menstruation or menstrual period.
5. Eliminate bad breath


One other benefit of betel leaf stew is to remove bad breath. Sometimes bad breath, especially after eating foods that cause bad breath, is very disturbing. Therefore, you can try to use a stew of betel leaves to remove your bad breath.

How to remove bad breath with betel leaf?

Here are the steps that can be done to eliminate bad breath by using betel leaves:

Take 3 - 4 pieces of betel leaf
Boil the betel leaf to boiling
Wait and let stand until the stew becomes cold and not hot
Gargle with boiled water betel leaf, especially after eating and after toothbrush.
Good also to eliminate bad breath
6. Cleaning oral cavity from germs

This benefit is the same as the benefits of betel leaf stew that is able to refresh and eliminate bad breath. You can make betel leaves stew just like the number 5, then gargle by using the betel leaf stew after eating and brush your teeth.

Good also cleans the oral cavity
7. Treating canker sores and gums

Actually to treat canker sores and pain in the gums, you can chew the betel leaf directly. But if you feel disgusted with the betel leaf that is chewed directly, then you can try another alternative, namely by gargling by using a stew of betel leaf.

The steps - the same step as the number 5, gargle when you feel canker sores, because betel leaf has a vitamin that can help speed healing canker sores.

Good also for treating canker sores
8. Treating dengue fever

The decoction of betel leaves is also believed to help and accelerate the healing of dengue fever,

Here are the steps - steps that can be done to utilize the decoction of betel leaf as a medicine for dengue fever:

Take 5 - 6 pieces of betel leaf
Boil betel leaves using 2 glasses of water
Wait until it boils and leaves only one glass of water
Drink the stew results on a regular basis, approximately - 2 times a day.

source :

10 Benefits of a Smile

10 Benefits of a Smile

Benefits of a Smile
1. Smile makes us more interesting
In general, people will feel more attracted to people who always smile. People who always smile true to have its own charm and also seen people who always think positive.

2. Smile changes our mood
When you're upset or sad, try to smile then feel the difference. Anything that weighs on our lives will feel lighter when we smile.

3. Smile can reduce stress
Believe it or not, that smile can relieve stress. When stress begins to strike, try to smile, then your stress will diminish and disappear by itself so you will feel much better and ready to live a new life with a more positive mind.

4. Smile can stimulate others smile
Did you know that the smile can stimulate others to smile? When someone smiles smile, then the smile will make the atmosphere becomes brighter and can change the mood of others who are around us and will make people feel more happy. The smiling person will bring happiness to the people around him. To be liked by many people, try to smile at others.

5. Smile lowers blood pressure
When you get mad automatically your blood will go up so that your blood pressure will be high. To lower it, try to smile. Do not believe, try measuring with a blood pressure meter, you will know the results.
6. Smile boosts the immune system
When we smile, the immune system in the body will work better. When the immune function increases, then the person will feel more relaxed and protected from diseases such as flu and colds.

7. Smiles can release endorphins, pain relievers and serotonin
A study has proven that the smile can release endorphins, a compound that can reduce pain naturally and serotonin. All three can make people feel better and become a natural medicine.

8. Smiling can make people look successful
The smiling person will look more confident to be more promoted, otherwise the pairs of smiles at each meeting will have different reactions.

9. A smile on the face can make people look younger
The muscles used to smile can help lift the face so that makes people look younger. Therefore, try smiling more that makes you feel younger and better.

10. Smile can help people keep positive thinking
Smile will make a person more positive and reduce negative thoughts. By reducing depression, stress and worry then one's health will also increase and avoid it from various disease risks.

It turns out that a smile has tremendous benefits to our lives. Try to smile sincerely, then you will benefit from the smile. But keep in mind, too, smile at the right time and place.

source :

Kamis, 13 Juli 2017

The example of conversation in accessories shop

The example of conversation in accessories shop

seller : cindy
Tourist :larisma

Tourist buying souvenir in tomok

Tourist    : hi, mom
Seller      : hi madam, come in,, we provide many souvenirs here

Tourist    : what’s souvenir that everyone usual buy here?

Seller      : that depends on the person madam, many people buy this spoon and fork. These things are made by mahogany wood.

Tourist    : wow.. that’s very unique.
             How much for one set?

Seller     : the price for one set just Rp.100.000

Tourist   : it’s too expensive …. Can you discount it?

Seller      : the last price is Rp. 80.000 if you want…you can take it

Tourist    :ehmm, how much if I buy two set?

Seller      : ok sir if you buy two set. I’ll give you more discount.                      The price becomes Rp.150.000

Tourist    : I’ll take two set. wrap it please

Seller      : these are your souvenirs madam.

Tourist     : ok. Here your money.

Seller       :thanks you madam,, if you need another souvenir you can come again madam

Tourist    : your wlcome, that’s sure..bye

Seller      : see you sir …bye.



NPM : 15120194
Group : E
The day in end of December was my father’s birthday, exactly at 31st December 2016. He was forty six years old. My sister and I arranged a plan to  surprised him. So at 30th December my sister and I went to bakery to buy a birthday cake which was layered by chocolate and in the morning of 31st December, my father wake up and asked us how FB could know his birthday but we just smiled and thought he wanted us to greet him.
After we finished our activity in the kitchen, I asked my little sister to pursue our father to sit in the living room and also asked my little brother to bring the birthday cake and at the third counts, we sang happy birthday song  while my little brother was bring the cake in front of my father. All of us felt very happy when we saw our father smile as happy as he is. As my title my parents’ birthday….

My mother also was born in 02nd January 1970. So we celebrated her birthday at last 02nd January. Although we can gather as another family but we felt grateful and very happy when my mother blew her candles which form forty-seven. The both of those moments in my life cause those were the first year we celebrated our parent’s birthday. I hope my parents can live together , long last , long life, and always healthy till forever because their healthiness  is my worthy  present for me.

The example of recount text and the part of speech analysis

The example of recount text and the part of speech analysis

Name : Cindy Camellia Juliana Sinaga
Npm   :   15120194

My experience in my university
Actually I didn’t want to register at this university because I thought that foreign university is bad. But my father told me that I must choose it or not go to other university. I’m so sad to make my decision but my sister told me if you’re a smart girl, you’ll become a smart girl wherever you’re. I was thinking it all night and make my own decision to choose HKBP NOMMENSEN UNIVERSITY. Cause of my mind… I am so lazy to come to the campus but one thing that made me became struggle was my parents’ love.
At the first time, all of new student was gathered In auditorium which must wear white t-shirt and black trousers and didn’t forget to wear a butterfly tie. At the moment I didn’t feel anything special. As usually I haven’t a good confidence when one of my senior ask me to give my opinion about one topic that we were discussing at the time. After the MOS were finished, all of student was divided into some group based on their NPM. I’m in group E because I’m so lazy to re-register when I passed the examination.
And at the day after the MOS, we must go to the campus and studied according our schedule. As usually when I was at campus for the first time to study… I haven’t a friend maybe because I’m a calm girl. And I didn’t want to start a conversation with my new friend. At the first time my friends are dwiyanti rosalia, artikah utari, hayati siregar, and Debora siahaan…. But not too close.
And after 1 month at this university I have a new friend. She was very honest and straightforward. She is kind and give me her attention. But I often make her felt disappointed,,, I was so sorry for that moment L I called this girl, LARIS. Because she always helped me when I was in trouble. And she is very good in commerce.
And not long after that our campus was held a party to celebrate the accreditation of our English department which from “C” become “B”. And I want to participate at the celebration but at the time I don’t have money because I didn’t want to ask it to my father. But at last, my friend in the same boarding house can’t attend it because she was sick therefore she has paid the ticket of the celebration. So I re-change her position at the celebration, and at the time I remembered that RIRIN, GRES, BUNGA help me to re-change my friend identity to be mine. And I’m so happy gathered with them because them very kind and honest to me. And I’m so excited to attend the celebration.
After it finished,,, we are back to campus and studied as usual. And from that time i often gathered with RIRIN, BUNGA, and GRES… we went to Basorma swimming pool and at the time my phone was fallen to water and wasn’t useful for three days.
The next trip is to Wisata Iman garden and we stayed at sister Gres’ house ,,, for three days, two night find new family there…. They were so kind to me and I can’t forget that moment. So many things that we have passed together. And I didn’t know how we can gather to be five icons. That make me feel so grateful to have them become my best friends. Sister Bubu, sister Gege, Riri , Lala and at last me, Po JJJJJ.
                                                                                                Quantity: 592 words

Function word
a =9 times
And = 26 times
 One =4 times
At= 15 times
The = 22 times
But = 7 times
Two= 1 time
In = 6 times

 After = 5 times
Three =2 times
From =  2 times

For= 4 times
Five = 1 time
To = 26 times

As = 3 times
First = 3 times
With = 3 times

If = 1 time

Because = 8 times

Content word
University = 6 times
Foreign = once
Want = 4 times
Actually = once
Girl = 4 times
Sad = once
Thought = once
Night = twice
Campus = 5 times
Smart = twice
Told = twice
At the first time = twice
Mind = 1 time
Struggle = once
Choose = twice
At the moment = once
Student = 2 times
White =once
Make = make
at campus = once
Auditorium = 1 time
Black = once
Thinking = once
for three days = twice
t-shirt = 1 time
Good = twice
Come = 4 times

Trouser = 1 time
Lazy = twice
Made = once

Tie = 1 time
Special = once
Gathered = 3 times

Examination = 1 time
Calm = once
Wear = twice

Friend = 6 times
New = 4 times
Forget = twice

Conversation = 1 time
Honest= twice
Feel = twice

Moment = 3 times
Straightforward = once
Give = twice

Attention = 4 times
Kind =  3 times
Finished = twice

Confidence = 1 time
Disappointed = once
Divided = once

Commerce= ONCE
Close = once
Passed = Passed

Party = 1 times
Sorry = once
Go = twice

Accreditation = 1 time
Long = once
Studied = twice

Department = once
Sick = once
Have = 4 times

Celebration= 4 times
Happy = once
Helped = helped

Money = once
Excited = once
Celebrate = once

Ticket = once
Useful = once
Attend = twice

Garden = once
Grateful = once
Stayed = once

Pool = once
Best = once
Know = once

Icons = once

Phone = once

My lovely persons happily ever after

My lovely persons happily ever after

no words can describe them but my heart and my mind can detected our love each other.


Light Become Dark

Light Become Dark

Setiap orang berharap hidupnya  berakhir bahagia seperti yang kuharapkan sekarang.
aku tak tau kalimat itu sajalah yang kupikirkan selama beberapa waktu ini. aku ingin menangis sepanjang malam dan tak tau apa yang harus ku lakukan. seperti terbangun dari mimpi suram itulah yang kurasakan.
“kirin….kirin”  kutersadar dari lamunan ku ketika seseorang mengguncangkan tubuh ku.
“jesicca, apaan sih ganggu aku yang lagi fokus aja ” balas ku dengan wajah sebal.
“heh..fokus kamu bilang? Palingan kamu ngelamunin kak chiko kan….wkwkwk” balasnya sambil tertawa  terbahak-bahak
“ya… gak lah ya kali aku mikirin chiko, aku bukan seperti kalian yang hanya mandang cowok dari penampilannya saja” balasku dengan wajah sinis tak terima.
“awas kamu mikirin kak chiko…kak chiko tu dah jadi milik sekarang dan selamanya” ucapnya dengan percaya diri.
“iya  deh ….chiko tu milik kamu, tapi kamu harus…”ucapan ku terhenti ketika terdengar bel menandakan jam istirahat telah usai, “ jes.. ayok masuk kelas” ajak ku ke jesica.
“ehh no…no… kamu harus lanjutin …aku harus apa hehh?” jegatnya ketika ku ingin masuk ke kelas.
“ ntar ja deh jes kita lanjutin, ini kelas pak killer ntar kita gak dikasih masuk….ayok cepat” kutarik tangan jesica tuk mengikut aku.

Bel pulang pun berbunyi
  “akhirnya kita bisa juga kluar dari kelas pak killer” ucap jesica senang.
 “cieee kirana yang dah jadian ma kak chiko”ucap Diana gembira
“apaaaa…jadian?” ucap jesica dengan nada terkejut tak percaya
”ya iyalah jadian…emang kenapa kamu cemburu?”Tanya Diana dengan nada sinis.
“ya gk lah Cuma terkejut aja…kenapa kak chiko mau sama cewek mentel kek kamu” balas jesica dengan nada sinis

Kirin POV
Aku terkejut dengan pandangan yang kutatap sekarang , sahabat ku jesica dengan wajah merah padamnya berlari tanpa menghiraukan ku. Seperti tak percaya baru kali ini kulihat wajah serius jesicca yang tak menghiraukan siapapun disekelilingnya.
Pov end
“jesica…jesica…tunggu aku” teriak ku sambil berlari mengejar jesica.
Tak ada jawaban  yang terdengar
kuterus berlari menyusuri anak tangga yang dilalui jesica …berharap ia akan berhenti dan mendengarku tapi nihil… ia terus berlari hingga sekarang aku baru sadar jika aku telah berada di atap sekolah.
“jesicaaa….” Teriak ku
“berhenti di situ kirin” jawabnya dengan nada tersedu-sedu
“jangan lakuin ini jesica…untuk apa kamu menghancurkan diri kamu demi bajingan itu ….sadar jes…sadar” ucap ku tak sadar ntah sejak kapan air mata ku telah bercucuran sebegitu derasnya.
“bajingan?” ucapnya samar
Terdengar tangisnya yang semakin keras.
“ya dia memang lelaki bajingan dan dengan bodohnya aku telah terjerat olehnya” ucapnya dengan nada yang tak begitu jelas
Ku terpaku dengan kata terjerat seakan kutak siap tuk mendengarkan kata-kata selanjutnya ….hawa negatiflah yang telah terpikirkan oleh ku.
“terjerat apa yang kau maksud jesica” Tanya ku dengan tangis yang tak terbendung lagi
“aku telah hancur kirin…aku hancur,lebih baik aku mati kirin …lebih baik aku mati” ucapnya dengan melangkahkan kakinya satu langkah lebih maju.
“jangan jesica…. Ku berlari dan menangkap tangan kirinya kumohon bertahanlah  jes” tangisku tak tertahan lagi rasanya seperti ingin meninggalkan dunia ini
“lepaskan aku kirin…lepaskan” jawabnya dengan nada membentak
“tidak kamu tidak bisa berakhir seperti ini jes” jawabku dengan tegas ..tapi tangan ku tak sanggup lagi menahan berat ini

Kerumunan orang di bawah melihat kejadian ini dengan terkejutnya dan bersorak – bersorak
“lepaskan kirin…aku tak sanggup dengan hal yang akan menimpaku selanjutnya lebih baik aku mati” katanya dengan nada pasrah
“tidak …kamu harus selamat jes” jawab ku tapi kekuatanku bertolak belakang dengan ucapan ku…rasanya kekuatan ku telah habis, ingin kulepaskan beban ini tapi ku tak sanggup lagi sepertinya bandan ku juga akan terangkat dan jatuh.
“jes sepertinya kita akan mati bersama” ucapku dengan senyuman yang menghiasi wajah ku.
“tidak rin kamu harus tetap hidup” ucapnya
Tiba-tiba kurasakan tangan seseorang melingkar di pinggang ku dan menarik tubuh ku dengan tenaga kuatnya ,memastkan ku berada di posisi yang aman, tangan nya pun beralih ketangn ku yang sedang menarik tangan jesica dan ia menarik tangan jesica dengan sekuat tenaga
“jesica kau selamat “ kupeluk jesica dengan sekuat tenaga ku seakan aku tak ingin kehilangan dirinya lagi
“hentikan rin kau membuatku kehilangan nafas”jawabnya dengan tersegal-segal
“maaf “ mata ku beralih dan tersadar seseorang menatap kebahagian kami dengan intens
“terima kasih telah membantuku menyelamatkan sahabat ku” ucapku dan tak sadar jika kedua tangan ku telah melingkar di pinggangnya
“kirin  apa yang kau lakukan” Tanya jesica yang membuatku tersadar.
“maaf” aku terlalu bahagia ucapku pada lelaki yang baru saja kipeluk tu
“tidak apa-apa , aku akan membantumu setiap saat agar kau selalu melingkarkan tanganmu di pinggang ku” jawabnya dengan mantap dan membuat ku berinding
Kami masih terpaku dalam diam
“namaku William, aku murid pindahan baru disekolah ini”ucap nya dan mengulurkan tangan nya kearah ku
“ehhemm kirin” ucapku dan membalas uluran tangannya, dia menggenggam tanganku dengan erat dan nyaman.
“ehemm apakah kau tau mau mengetahui nama ku” Tanya jesica kepada willian membuat aku tersadar dan narik tangan ku
“ya tentu…william”ucapnya pada jesica
“jesica”jawab jesica dan menggengam tangan William dengan erat
“sudah cukup perkenalannya ,,,sebaiknya kita pulang sekarang dan kamu harus istirahat dan menjernihkan pikiran mu jes…kamu juga harus jelasin apa yang seharusnya kamua jelasin pada ku sebelum kamu melakukan hal konyol ini “ ucap ku pada jesica yang membuat dia terdiam tanpa kata dan menurut saja pada ku.
“kami duluan ya.. wiliam,, sekali lagi terima kasih banget dah bantu kami”ucaku sambil menunduk.

Home sweet home
“kirin gimana kelas mu hari ini”Tanya ayah
“baik-baik saja”jawab ku seolah enggan tuk melanjutkan percakapan ini
Dan belalu begitu ja dari hadapan ayah.
Kuhempaskan tubuhku ke kasur, seolah-olah ini terpat ternyaman di dunia  kantuk ku tak tetahankan lagi.

“hey honey”ucap seseorang yang sontak membuat ku terkejut akibat tangan melingkar di pinggang ku
“eh don…apaan sih kan malu diliatin temen-temen yang lain”ucapku dan langsung melepaskan tangannya, ntah mengapa pelukan ini tak nyaman seperti pelukanku saat bersama William
“kamu kenapa sih sayang kok jadi beda gini, apa aku ada buat salah?”ucapnya dengan wajah bingung
“gak kok don,,kita masuk kelas ja yuk” ucapku sambil menarik tangannya. Doni pun berjalan disamping ku.
Saat aku memasuki kelas, smua teman pada ricuh dikelas
“ehh ada pa ini kok smua kalian pada rebut sih”

 to be continued.................
